Parliament House for the Northern Territory, locally dubbed the wedding cake.
A plaque in a memorial to the bombing of Darwin in 1942 by the Japanese. Zoom in twice, and you'll be able to read it all.
Newly developed area near the harbor, colosseum and wave pool, early morning with long shadows.
Same area, a little to the right of the previous view, seen through the elevator shaft on the access platform.
A church, rebuilt after Cyclone Tracy (1974). You can see the old part preserved in front of the entrance.
The downtown mall shopping area
Don't you wish interest rates were this good here now? Oz has hardly felt the recession due to long-standing protective fiscal policies of the government.
The main street of Darwin
The 'Roadkill Café'--as the sign says: "You kill it, we grill it". Again zoom in for the signs: emu, goat, buffalo, kangaroo and "impaled" camel are the meats represented, either in sausages or some other form.
A heron trying to compete for food at the fish feeding wharf.
A bar-shouldered dove raiding the bread intended for the fish. Kids were standing in the water throwing the bread with fish swimming between their feet.
View of Darwin Harbour from the park that runs in front of the hotel we stayed in.
View from that park along the street
Almost sunset over the water. So much for lining up shots--I cut the sun out of it, but it still looked better than the others with the boat in it.
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