Thursday, September 17, 2009

Col G & Family

From Col G:

"Attached is a photograph of my family taken at my elder sons wedding held in Bangalore in Oct 2007. L to R in the front are My wife's mother, My mother, My wife's father at the rear L to R, my daughter-in-law Renu (She is a Technical writer with Juniper networks), my elder son Vikram (He is a senior software programmer with ORACLE), my younger son Gaurav (He is a Captain in the Army, following the footsteps of both his grandfathers and father as well), yours truly and lastly my wife Gita (She is a Kindergarten teacher).
Just a snippet, my wife and my mother are wearing the traditional dress of Malayalees ie those who belong to the state of Kerala in India, the dress looks like a sari and is called a Mundu.

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