Showing posts with label C.C. Burnikel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C.C. Burnikel. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: CC - in more ways than one. One more way is that it is actually CH* CH *, but I'm ignoring that.

8A. Affectedly trendy : CHI-CHI

17A. Chinese dog with a blue-black tongue : CHOW CHOW

31A. Tot's toy on a track : CHOO-CHOO

46A. "Make it snappy!" : "CHOP CHOP!"

64A. "Bottoms up!" : "CHIN CHIN!"

69A. Mambo cousin : CHACHA

Argyle here. We've had "OO" and "WWW" and now we have "CC", with the twist that the second word is a Carbon Copy of the first. And our fearless leader, C.C., is today's constructor. The two longest words are necessarily relegated to the Down columns. I want to be here when we get the Double "D" puzzle.


1. Furry foot : PAW

4. Sign of healing : SCAB

14. Earth Day prefix : ECO

15. Corn Belt state : IOWA

16. Muzzleloading aid : RAMROD. We had this last Tuesday.

19. Pierce with a point : IMPALE

20. Ward on TV : SELA. Her Fan Club.

21. New York's __ Island : ELLIS

23. 26th of 26 : ZEE

24. NBA position : CTR. (center)

26. Doctor whom Captain Kirk calls "Bones" : McCOY. "I'm a doctor, Jim, not a [moon shuttle conductor / bricklayer / psychiatrist / mechanic / engineer / scientist / physicist / escalator / magician / miracle worker / flesh peddler / veterinarian]."

29. Love, Italian-style : AMORE

34. Doo-wop syllable : SHA na na

35. College football's Famous __ Potato Bowl : IDAHO. With sour cream, at half time.

37. Molecule parts : ATOMS

38. Adds color to : TINTS. Or tincts, last Thursday.

40. Cup edge : RIM

41. Sensitive spots : SORES

42. Texas A&M athlete : AGGIE. The letters "A&M", originally short for "Agricultural and Mechanical", are retained only as a link to the university's past.

43. Port west of Paris : BREST

45. __-Caps: candy : SNO

48. Walks without going anywhere : PACES

50. Red giant in the night sky : S STAR

51. "Sting like a bee" boxer : ALI, Muhammad

52. Chicken __ king : À LA

54. Winner's gesture : V SIGN

57. A dime a dozen, e.g. : RATE. Pretty cheap!

61. One-named Tejano singer : SELENA. Sadly, she was murdered in 1995.

66. Pennsylvania home of Lafayette College : EASTON. Just across the river from NJ.

67. Steaks and burgers : BEEF

68. Off-road ride, briefly : ATV. (all-terrain vehicle)

70. Pell-__: hastily : MELL

71. Dim sum sauce : SOY


1. Bench-presser's pride : PECs

2. Aleve target : ACHE

3. What daydreamers gather, metaphorically : WOOL. This is a good explanation.

4. [Not a typo] : [SIC]

5. Made logical sense : COHERED

6. Troop truant : AWOL

7. Cry like a baby : BAWL

8. Big name in cooking oil : CRISCO

9. It's often smoked : HAM

10. Little troublemaker : IMP

11. Victor at Little Bighorn : CRAZY HORSE

12. Swiss cheese feature : HOLE

13. Nantes notion : IDÉE. Here's an idea; take a canal boat from Nantes to Brest.

18. City SSW of Dallas : WACO

22. Announcement while coming through the door : "I'M HOME"

25. Divide in threes : TRI-SECT

27. By the seashore : COASTAL

28. Septi- plus one : OCTO

29. End on __ note : A HIGH

30. Fruit-based chip dip : MANGO SALSA (C.C. This is Argyle's clue. Remember Geico Caveman's Roast duck with Mango Salsa?)

31. Tweet : CHIRP

32. Broken mirrors, to some : OMENS

33. __ buco: veal dish : OSSO

34. Opp. of legato, in music : STAC. (staccato)

36. Shady spots : ARBORs

39. Helpful hints : TIPS

44. Brittany or cocker : SPANIEL

47. Largest city of the West Indies : HAVANA

49. Cosmo concern: Abbr. : CIRC. The magazine worried about circulation.

52. "Hang on __!" : A SEC

53. Rachel's sister : LEAH

55. SALT subject : ICBM. Missiles/Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

56. Indian butter : GHEE

58. "Got it!" cries : AHAs

59. Longtime Yugoslav president : TITO. No, not one of the Jackson Five.

60. Green emotion? : ENVY

62. And so on: Abbr. : ETC

63. Japanese drama : NOH

65. Org. with Giants and Titans : NFL. Their season is almost over.

That's it, so "CHIN CHIN" everybody and let's CHA CHA outta here and hope we get back to the Corner soon.


Notes from C.C.:

1) I'm sad to say that Jazzbumpa (Ron) lost his mother-in-law Rita on Sunday morning. Ron and his wife Gloria traveled to Toledo often in the past few years to take care of Rita, who is now in a peaceful place and pain-free.

2) Happy 5-year anniversary to our Crossword Corner blog! I'm sorry things have been out of whack lately. Thank you so much for sticking with us.

Monday Jan 21, 2013 C.C. Burnikel