Words: 68
Blocks: 30
I do believe this is my first time blogging a puzzle from our SJSJ
constructor~! As I look, I see that this may be his first Saturday
LAT. Thick triple stacks/10-letter corners - one I got, one took way
too long. I did have to check ONE thing on Google (see below), but
the rest of the grid did fill in slowly and steadily. A crossing of a
spanner and a climber;
35A. "Hold your horses!" : "ONE SECOND PLEASE"~!
8D. One-on-one strategy : MAN-TO-MAN DEFENSE
- I see it's predominantly used in basketball and football; I am just
happy that hockey is back; dad is watching with EddyB tomorrow....
3 and 4 word answers, and two more -
53. Loving way to walk : HAND-IN-HAND - oh, if only there were a hand for me....
11. Erect : STAND ON END - ummm, yeah, that too....
Sorry if this one turns out to be a little rough, Cruciverb was not available until 4am, and I usually stay up Friday to do the write up.
1. World Series components : POKER GAMES - locked into baseball; night games wouldn't work with OMEGA, which I knew was right
11. Unleashes : SICS - and a semi-clecho 23D. Cut free : RELEASE - which was unLEASh at first
15. Better : AMELIORATE
16. Hardware item : T-NUT
17. What good debaters pounce on : WEAK POINTS
18. No longer tied up : ASEA
19. FBI employees : AGTs - Like Sculder and Mully, I mean Mulder and Scully - do you think he was "stand on end"?
20. Fills : SATES
21. Too curious : NOSY
22. Some grad students : TAs - ah - not EEs, AAs, BAs, MAs, but the Teaching 56A's
23. __-Tahoe Open: annual PGA Tour event : RENO
24. USCG VIP : ADMiral
25. File manager menu option : RENAME
27. Ancient Aegean region west of Lydia : IONIA
30. Sweet-talk : CAJOLE
33. Decking : ADORNING - total WAG for me; I was trying to get TimberTech to fit (it's what I used on the church ramp)
37. Ran out of clothes? : STREAKED - HAR-HAR~!! Running across the baseball diamond 'sans skivvies', 'bare-ass naked'
38. Colors : TINCTS
39. Memorable swimsuit model Cheryl : TIEGS - she's 66 now
40. Put a new cover on, as a book : REBIND
42. Space shuttle astronaut Jemison : MAE - and another semi-clecho, 47D. Curiosity org. : NASA
43. It may be lost or saved : FACE
44. Learning ctr. : SCHool and a TRUE clecho, 28D. Learning ctr. : INSTitution, not UNIV
47. "Sunset Boulevard" genre : NOIR
49. Better : AMEND
51. TV's "__-Team" : THE "A"
52. Not much : A TAD
55. Hypotenuse, e.g. : SIDE - of a triangle
56. Helping people : ASSISTANTS
57. Gp. with common goals : ASSN
58. Least helpful, as a description : SKETCHIEST
1. Investigate, as a toy mouse : PAW AT - had NUDGE to start
2. Greek horseshoe? : OMEGA - sure looks that way ~!
3. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" poet : KEATS
4. Big bucks : ELKS - ah, not the money kind, like THOU, or GEES
5. Let-'er ender : RIP - "Let 'er RIP~!"
6. Manipulable lamp : GOOSE-NECK - ARGH~! I knew what the word meant, but I just couldn't get my mind off "touch" something; this is what we're looking for
7. Richards of "Jurassic Park" : ARIANA - My mind was stuck [again] on Richard Attenborough (John Hammond), so I finally went to find out who the "other" Richard was - little Lex is all grown up ~!
9. Kitchen add-on : ETTE - Kitchenette
10. Court period: Abbr. : SESSion
12. Hardly a dreamer? : INSOMNIAC - I keep a journal of all my dreams, and I try to recall every detail I can. Then I go online to see what certain imagery pertains to; once had a dream about a fish hook stuck in my neck -you can find out what it meant here
13. Sticks around the pool hall : CUES - the sticks that one shoots with
14. Vacation period : STAY
24. Delta, but not gamma : AIRLINE
25. Metaphorical dream world : ROSE GARDEN - I didn't promise you one....
26. Onetime Leno announcer Hall : EDD
29. Forever, it seems : AGES - ugh, not EONS
30. Pain from a sticker? : COST - Sticker shock, like on new cars
31. Foe : ANTI - meh
32. Lamentations : JEREMIADS - new word to me; more here
34. Anatomical blind spot site : OPTIC DISC - see more here - unless it's in your, well....
36. Poetic location word : O'ER
41. Oater baddie : BANDIT and, his 50D. 41-Down's accessory : MASK
44. "A man has to be what he is, Joey" speaker : SHANE
45. Single divisions : CENTS
46. Possessed, biblically : HADST
48. __ B. Driftwood, Groucho's "A Night at the Opera" role : OTIS
49. Cries of clarity : A-HAs
51. Pad __: stir-fried noodles : THAI
54. Degree in algebra? : NTH - just about every Saturday, it seems
Notes from C.C.:
1) Some of you might not be aware of this, Splynter lost his father to
dementia and kidney
failure last Saturday. He never let this on through his posts, but it
was really tough the past few years for him, his mom and his brother.
![]() |
Baby Splynter and His Parents |
2) Here
is the obit of dear Spitzboov's daughter Gretchen. She's a beautiful
person with a great family and a great career. My heart aches for Al
& Betty, Gretchen's 8-year-old son Max and their whole family. A big
"Thank you" to Manac for finding this link.
3) I'm also sad to say that Jazzbumpa's mother-in-law Rita was put into
hospice on Thursday. Our thoughts are with him, his loving wife Gloria
and his whole family.
We probably will never meet one another in this life, but we're a
family. Thank you so much being supportive of those who're in difficult